Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mayan Thoughts

Months ago, I had the opportunity to go to Guatemala. Spending just a few days there reignited my passion for the Mayan people and their ancestors. Give me an old archeology site and I'm as happy as I can be. Yet I know how desperately the modern Mayan people need Jesus. Centuries ago the Mayans were the master of the calendar and according to their calendar the world will end suddenly on December 22, 2012. Obviously, I have no way of knowing if this is true. I am, however, confronted with a few nagging thoughts and questions. If there are only 5 years left until eternity... should I live? should I pray? should I love? should I forgive? should I give? should I serve? should I believe? should I change? should I reach? should I share Jesus?

How many will not make it to 2012? Is there even more of an urgency to think on these things? Time races by for all of us as James reminds us that our lives are but a mist, here for a moment and gone. Jesus did say that no one knows the day or the hour of His return, but we should recognize the time. "Does anybody really know what time it is?" - Chicago


Anonymous said...

just found you. great blog. I look forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

You have the sight.........the scales are off.