Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Superficial Sunday In The South!!!

Here is an excerpt from the blog of Perry Noble, Senior Pastor of New Spring Church in Anderson, SC. To read the full blog click "Read More" at the bottom.

OK…so I am on a rant today…it’s been a while and I am fired up…this one will be fun!

I recently heard of a church in the area taking a stab at NewSpring DURING a worship service, saying that we allow people to dress any way they wish and that suits and dresses are not required, even frowned upon in our church. This comment was made to criticize us…but lets unpack it for a second. :-)

First of all–we do not look down on those who choose to wear a suit or a dress…unless it is a man in a dress, then we will say something! We simply ask people to wear what is comfortable and modest.

What I am wondering is where in the world did the modern day church ever get the idea that somehow dressing up in a suit OR wearing a dress equals godliness…and those who would wear jeans and a T-shirt, or even (GASP) flip flops just are not as godly. Read More.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have several comments, concerns, and maybe some questions about Perry Noble's "Superficial Sunday in the South" I will try to be brief.

1. Does Rev. Noble think that it is only in the South that there are superficial Christians? Or are Southern Christians more superficial in his eyes than those in the East, North, or West? His topic appears to be somewhat prejudicial or biased toward Christians in the SOUTH.

2. I have been a Christian for nearly 60 years and I can assure the reader that there are superficial Christians everywhere, and not just in the South.

3. However, It bothers me when I read his first line of his "rant" that he "recently heard of a church in the area taking a stab at NewSpring DURING a worship service". Doesn't it appear to the reader that he has fallen into gossip trap? Does the reader know that the statement is true or not since he states he "heard of a church". Did Bro. Noble validate the statement? Was it the pastor of "that church"? Was it the leadership of "that church"? Or maybe someone in his own If he believed it was the Pastor of "that church", wouldn't it have been better for him to approach that "church" or the pastor of "that church" in love and validate the authenticity of what he "heard" rather than posting it on the Internet for the world to see that churches and pastors are fighting over mundane issues while the world goes to hell. No wonder it is hard to get the unsaved to attend church with us.

3. I have seen churches fall apart because of in-fighting. Do we really need to post articles where there is a difference in opinion on dress or music, or whatever between evanglical churches who have more important things to do than find fault with each other?

4. While I can identify with his issue and understand his criticism about hypocrisy, it gives the reader of his "rant" the impression that he has the idea that only Christians who dress in suits and ties and lovely dresses are the ones who have "affairs", or get drunk, or gossip. Such is not the case as I have seen poorly dressed people in the church commit those same acts. The heart is deceitful and who can know it? On the other hand, some of the most well dressed Christians I have ever met have been the most godly people who would never even think of committing such ungodly acts let alone do them. Nor would they be guilty of criticizing others.

5. I take issue when he says "where in the world did the modern day church ever get the idea that somehow dressing up in a suit OR wearig a dress equals godliness? Did someone in "that church" say that? And by the way, dressing casually can also be a sign of pride and arrogance.

While I can accept his thesis of well dressed Christians being critical of Christians who dress casually for worship, I am somewhat offended when he refers to other believers as "stupid". Do we really need to be so judgemental?

6. Maybe Perry Noble is too young to understand why some Christians have learned that dress is important to those Christians who wear suits and dresses to Sunday worship. It is not that they think they are more godly or righteous, but rather they wear their Sunday best out of RESPECT for God and His House. And, in my humble opinion, contempory Christians could take a few lessons in RESPECT. There is a place for proper etiquette and decorum.

Quite frankly, it goes back to the teaching that we are to "Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy". To those well dressed Christians, they dress up out of respect just as they would dress up for a funeral or a wedding sometimes referred to as HOLY matrimony. Pastor Noble even admits that he has a suit for those sacred occasions. Those well dressed Christians take their Holy Bibles to their church or sanctuary or tabernacle or the special place that they believe is holy and set apart to honor and worship God. And those well-dressed Christians have respect for that special time. To them, it isn't a casual event. It is a time of reverence and respect and awe for who God is and for what He does. They respect God and those same well dressed people don't think of desecrating the holy place by eating and drinking in the sanctuary. They sing songs that are different from what they hear all week long. They call it sacred music because it it music that is different and set apart from the music of the world. To them, the sanctuary is special place where men take off their hats before entering and teen age boys are reprimanded when they wear their ball caps in church or wear them side ways as a sign of rebellion. To these well dressed Christians, they learned Respect for God's Holy Day. Sure, they are glad the teens are in God's house, but let them learn some respect while they are there.

In conclusion, I believe we all could learn to have more respect for God, for His Word, for His House, and for His children no matter where they worship. May I suggest that we Christians learn to accept other Christians as God's children and let us not criticize each other so easily and maybe more people will come to Christ as a result.