Thursday, April 30, 2009

A little child shall lead them

Carrie Graham, our Children's Pastor, sent this report from her ministry to me this week:

Here is a great illustration of the scripture found in Isaiah 11:6, "A little child shall lead them." One of our Tomoka families had to take their four year-old daughter, Sarah, to the emergency room a few weekends ago. Sarah informed her doctor that he did not need to give her a shot, but instead just needed to pray with her because Jesus was going to heal her. The doctor looked at Sarah's mom, Shirley, and said, "I've never prayed before in my life, but I guess I'm going to tonight." He held Sarah's hands and she prayed. They told the doctor they went to Tomoka and Shirley said the next time they were at church that they saw Sarah's ER doctor from a distance. Shirley is convinced their trip to the ER was not for Sarah, but instead was for the doctor...."a little child shall lead them."

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