Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The dock, boat and body of water pictured here could be located just about anywhere in the world. But they are not. A transformation of this scene took place when Jesus walked across this body of water, the Sea of Galilee.

As we look at the photo or even as one stands on the dock, there are no apparent signs of greatness. The Sea of Galilee feels no personal pride for being the spot in the universe where our Creator defied nature's laws by walking on water. Yet one cannot look upon this scene without feeling a sense of awe.

The Almighty does the same with all of us who will make ourselves available. He makes the ordinary extraordinary through His presence. God-sized work is in store for us if we will simply be available.

Why not ask God to make your life extraordinary? It could be by praying this simple prayer: “Jesus, I am available. What would you like to do with my life today?”

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